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Logo Sniper Surgical Strike Terrorist Icon
Logo Sniper Surgical Strike Terrorist Icon

Sniper Surgical Strike Terrorist

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Derrube todos os inimigos no mapa neste FPS frenético
n of the original game. The gameplay in Sniper Surgical Strike Terrorist is practically identical to any other FPS: you can move your character around freely using your left joystick and just need to drag your finger around the screen to aim at your target. The game is divided into several missions where you have to take down all the enemies from the map before they can do the same to you, and in those settings both stealth and planning are crucial, as facing more than two enemies at once will usually end in your demise. A few more game modes would be nice but the superb graphics, smoothness with which everything operates, and always-appreciated aura of nostalgia make Sniper Surgical Strike Terrorist a must-have game for any FPS lover.