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Jhust Timi Photo Editor

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Um editor de fotos simples com filtros, hashtags e adesivos
ect final look, add stickers and emoji to give a Millenial touch to your pic, accompany it with a handwritten message or freehand illustration... The cool thing about Jhust Timi Photo Editor is that all the tools in it are very easy to use and you can modulate them to achieve exactly the desired effect. It's true that this isn't the most professional image editor out there or the one that offers the most options, but for making day-to-day edits for pics to put on your social networks or group chats you really shouldn't need much more than what you'll find here. Jhust Timi Photo Editor is, in short, a photo editor you'll enjoy if you're looking for something simple and uncomplicated to edit your images from the comfort of your smartphone and share with whomever you like.