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Cloud Farm

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Crie um reino do zero e defenda-se do cerco inimigo
zard who is out to sink you. At the beginning, you dedicate yourselves to cleaning up space. You have to restore the sources of nectar and water. Plant berries bushes and grow wheat in the garden, then water trees, collect fruits, prepare marmalades, and much more. After this, you'll have enough money to build a barn and feed your chickens. The surplus of eggs from your henhouse and the veggies from your garden allow you to buy materials to restore and improve more space and get the maximum potential out of your land. Your furry little friends will help to manage everything so that nothing is overlooked, since you have to take many different things into account when creating a world from the ground up. Cloud Farm is the perfect management game for lovers of the countryside who have always dreamed of starting a world from scratch in harmony with nature. In addition, its graphic section are a real beauty.